Monday, April 23, 2007

Taste the Rainbow

Every once in a while you come across something that you just know is going to change your life. happened to me today.

I was offered an orange flavoured Twizzler. I have to say that I was quite intrigued but at the same time very sceptical. I tried to not get my hopes I had done so many times in the past. I didn't want to create unrealistic candy expectations. [flashback to the mid 1980's - a young Steven gagging on a cola flavoured candy]

I am here to say that I was much so that I tested out the watermelon flavour as well. I think it may just become my candy of choice for 2007.

And what good timing - available just in time for Pride Week!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Some things just shouldn't be rationalized...

In his April 19th document, entitled The Cost of Bill C-288 to Canadian Families and Business, Environment Minister John Baird states:

"...the implementation of Bill C-288 (An Act to ensure Canada meets its global climate change obligations under the Kyoto Protocol) represents an unbalanced approach - an unbalanced approach that would plunge the Canadian economy into recession and dramatically lower the living standards of workers and families."

My question is - isn't the whole idea of living* central to very idea of a standard of living?

* According to the World Health Organization, deaths from global warming will double in just 25 years -- to 300,000 people a year.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's about time...

Finally...all is right with the least when it comes to America's Next Top Model.

Jael was voted off this week. She could potentially have been able to strike a more emotional chord after the panel gave her the boot...if only anyone could actually understand a word the woman said.

The producers wisely subtitled almost every word of her slurred speech throughout the season.

The crazy thing isn't that she was kicked off as a result of shooting a trainwreck of a commercial - its that a russian model with a very thick accent and a model with no short term memory as a result of a car accident were both able to do better than her.

If there is one good thing that Jael can take from this whole experience - its that she may just have found that all important "rock bottom" scenario to discuss at her next stint in rehab.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Read the Book!!!!

So...I sat down to watch a DVD with the BF last night and was looking forward to seeing how Armistead Maupin's The Night Listener had been translated to the big screen. Three words - READ THE BOOK!!!

It was as if the screenplay had been written by a four year old - turning what was a pretty thrilling novel into a silly 82 minute made-for-TV style piece of crap. I should have know that it was going to suck the moment Bobby Cannavale was introduced as Robin Williams' ex-boyfriend.

I can suspend my disbelief as much as the next fella but give me and f'n break!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

A Carb Detox is in Order

Now...don't get me wrong...I've known that I have a carb addiction since the mid nineties. I even went so far as to go completely wheat free for about 6 months in 2002 to see if I could overcome this addiction.

What I didn't expect was that I would allow myself to become completely obsessed with granola - of all things! It all started last Sunday when I purchased a box of Our Compliments raisin & almond granola. I opened the box on Sunday afternoon and had a small bowl for a snack.

Since then I've had it every morning for breakfast, ate it for dinner one evening, snacked on it and had even some for dessert the other night. The box is now gone...and I am relieved. I can start the detox process and move on with my life.

Granola now is on list of things not allowed in my apartment - along with chocolate, potato chips, and gummy bears. Why wasn't I born with ANY will power?!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

A musical crisis of faith - well timed for Easter!

So the Mendelssohn Singers - the choir I'm in - is performing Arvo Part's PASSIO this Friday night and I know I should be excited about it. After all, its a rarely performed piece written by a composer who is seen as a pioneer of his genre - "mystical or sacred minimalism". You want to know the truth?

It frankly bores the snot out of me.

I fear that this is a clear indication that my post secondary education in music was all for apparently didn't lead to a more refined taste in music. Oh and while I'm at it I should also confess that I hate most slow movements and can't really sit through anything written by Bach.

I think there might really be something wrong with me...